Winners - Foundation Trophy
All of these activities are for the benefit of and for the achievement of our principal objective to
recognise, expose and honour the genius of Sir F. Henry Royce.
The Sir Henry Royce Foundation Trophy (pictured right) is in the form of a 40/50hp Advance/Retard
control lever mounted on a wooden plinth.
2023 - The Foundation Trophy was awarded to all the wonderful present and past volunteers
at the Bill Allsep House Archives, Sir Henry Royce Foundation, Melbourne.
Chairman Brian Crump presented the Award to two of this wonderful volunteer team,
John Reis and Howard Wraight, at the 2023 RROCA Federal Rally. Our Volunteers have
spent thousands of hours at the Archive collecting, sorting, listing, filing, arranging, cleaning,
identifying, repairing, searching and caring for the collection using their particular skills and abilities. -
2019 - David Davis, a long-standing Member of the NSW Branch of the RROCA, has been a 20HP
owner (42G1) since 1959. He has been assiduous in maintaining and driving 42G1 for the
past 60 years. Through his association with successive Sydney Rolls-Royce and Bentley Dealers,
with the late Bert Ward and with three generations of the Appleby family, David has amassed a
wealth of experience in the ownership, maintenance and driving of Derby-built cars.
Importantly, he has devoted considerable time and effort in sharing his encyclopedic knowledge with the wider Rolls-Royce community. David’s book “50 Years with a Twenty” is an internationally recognised guide to the ownership of a 20HP. Also, David’s contribution as the 20HP/Small Horsepower Registrar and his regular “20 Topics” column in “Praeclarvm” has been of significant benefit to all RROCA Members. David has certainly made a contribution to the pursuit of excellence – one of the core objectives of The Foundation. -
2018 - The late Vin Kean SA. For his contribution to the motoring industry, especially his 60 year association with Rolls-Royce and Bentley through his dealership and subsequent donation of significant archival material.
2017- Paul Lukes NSW. Paul has painstakingly restored Phantom 114GY to a very high standard of excellence. Paul has donated to the Foundation the York Motors car service records for preservation - an extraordinary valuable research resource for Australian car owners. He has contributed to the maintenance of the Foundation's Phantom V 5VF159
2016 - Steve Stuckey ACT. For his research and publications on R-R Phantom 111s.
2015 - Bob Clarke for his advice on engineering, maintenance and coachwork on pre-World War II Rolls-Royce vehicles, especially the 20hp.
2014 - Bill Coburn for contribution to the RROCA through editorship of Præclarvm, his own self-maintenance publication for Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles, ‘T1 Topics’, and in the activities of the ACT Branch in various Committee roles.
2013 - David Forward for his significant contribution to the owners and enthusiasts of the 40/50hp (Silver Ghost) model by writing and producing the most comprehensive book on its technical development, history and design: The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost: Origins and Development of the 40-50 HP Model 1906-1926.
2012 - Peter Jordan-Hill for his significant contribution to the prosperity and success of The Sir Henry Royce Foundation and of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club of Australia (Victoria Branch), particularly in the acquisition of Bill Allsep House.
2011 - Ian Irwin for distinguished service to the veteran and vintage car movement, and authorship of two magnificent volumes on Silver Ghosts in Australia and New Zealand.
2010 - Fred Engish for outstanding photographic services to the Club.
2009 - Gilbert Ralph for his long and distinguished service to the Club and the Foundation.
2008 - Lindsay Edward Fox for his magnificent Fox Classic Car Collection and his dedication to Rolls-Royce cars.
2007 - Sir Jack Brabham for his achievements in motor sport.
2006 - David Neely for his important and dedicated work in literary spheres.
2005 - David McPhee for his contribution to State and Federal Clubs and his superb restoration of the oldest Rolls-Royce in Australia.
2004 - the memory of the Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Sir Henry Royce.
2003 - Eric and Beryl Rainsford for many years of enthusiastic service to the RROCA.
2002 - Eric Barrass, President, RREC (UK), for excellence following the ideals of Sir Henry Royce.
2001 - Tom Clarke for his co-authorship (with David Neely) of Rolls-Royce and Bentley in the Sunburnt Country.
2000 - Margaret & BarrieGillings for their lifelong contribution to the movement.
1999 - George Sevenoaks for his contribution to all matters concerned with Rolls-Royce.
1998 - Martin Bennett for his outstanding editorship of Præclarvm.
The first award was made in 1997 to Roger Fry of Western Australia for his superb restoration work.